Ink. Thing IV - Ink. Thing Re-emergence

Ink. Thing Re-emergence
Vedant Swain and Sarthak Ahuja
2016-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

Ink Thing is our monthly Open Discussion Session where we all settle down together and plan out the projects we are going to target for the upcoming month.

All you need to do is look up interesting projects, recent designs made with in the club, and things happening around you and share it with all of us.


  • Ink. Projects Review.
  • Some Tips and Examples of/for Multi Exposure design.
  • Ink. Tank Planning - Need to decide the theme for next week.
  • New Projects/Assignments that have come across.
  • Website Review.

Not only is this fun but very informative, but crucial to the clubs functioning. Apart from a casual discussion over sponsored snacks we review the clubs activities and plan our way forward.

  1. You got the idea of the 2015 project. These are the ones I am working on: Greece Iran Nuclear Deal Singapore Prime Minister Star Wars Mars Water If you have some idea for the above and can send it by 10pm today. Please go ahead. I'll make the remaining ones after that. If you have any other idea besides this send that as well (psd). These can be added to the album later as well. (But the above mentioned ones are going in tonight)

  2. Complete your pending projects over this weekend. Deadline: Sunday midnight. Bhavna, Anjali - Poly, Gurek - Mother Tongue, Vedant - Song Cover and Course Posters, Anam, Prikankshit - Last 22 yards. Mallika, Madan, Himanshu, Anwesh Arushi - come up with a project you want to undertake (5 posters will do, form a team and decide on your own, or join the above ones and contribute). There will probably be no more projects this semester so please make sure you wrap these up while the semester is light.

  3. Admins- Vedant and I will be nominating people since not many have volunteered.

  4. Next Ink. Tank is on infographics. Who's idea was this? He/she needs to make a seeding entry for this asap and send it to me or vedant.

  5. Store is going up next week with all the currently designed shirts. If you want to make more, do so over the weekend. (This will count as a project)

  6. Find a gallery outside Delhi with a good enough and convincing brochure. (nearby Delhi)

  7. Tasveer and Ink. jointly do the Alumni Mugshot Album. Bhavna will be the bridge.

  8. MOST IMPORTANT: Go to the website and add the ink. google calendar to your phones. It takes only one click but it will make sure you don't schedule things on Ink. Outs and Things and don't miss them. Aakhri sem hai mera and Vedant ka, thoda chill toh banta hai?

  9. Send your profile links and designations you would like to see against your name on the website.

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